Thursday, May 15, 2014

The 30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 6

Day 6: A photo of animal you'd love to keep as a pet


Laura: So I would love to have dog or maybe two but because I'm living with my boyfriend and he is allergic it's complicated. He doesn't even want any pets to our house so... And our apartment is kind of small to even have any bigger pets.

But if I could have pet I would love to have Boston terrier or/and French Bulldog. I just love those kind of dogs! They are just one cutiepies I'd like to cuddle with.

Boston Terrier

French Bulldog

Other animal I would love to have is snake. Corn Snake maybe. My sister has one and it is one cute buddy! Snakes are also kind of easy to handle if you are not afraid of them. I think they can smell your fear! :D

My sisters snake, Jonne

But thats all for me this time! See ya.

Misua:  My dream animal to have as a pet would be either Tarantula or King Python.


I already have a dog and I'm planning to get another dog in couple of years, but now I want something more exotic.

I would name the spider Dexter
And the snake Mato (means worm)

I already have the terrarium for my nest love <3 But I have to decide which one.


See you tomorrow xoxo

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